History of temple
Amma Tookay Kovil dates back to the arrival of the Indentured Labourers who came to work in our sugar cane fields. They were deployed all around the Island and some landed in a small remote village at Riche Bois Sugar Estate which after some years became Britannia Sugar Estate when the number of Sugar Factories were reduced to cut costs of production of sugar.
The Indentured Labourers placed their beliefs and faith in God during their difficult days, working very hard in the cane fields. It was indeed this at high moral and spiritual belief , amongst others that have contributed to the success of this country. They built a place of worship with the Goddess Amma Tookay, coming in fact from the word Doorgay.
The temple was situated in the middle of acres of sugar cane fields, made of straw. The labourers were praying a lot since they brought with them their cultures, beliefs and traditions as their only legacy from their mother land, India.
However, there are a few legend about the origin of the powerful Goddess. Some believe that that more than a century ago, some workers whilst working in the cane fields to plant new cane shoots, they came across a heavy stone which they were unable to displace and even could not work at this particular place. The owner at that time of European origin came and deployed all efforts to move the stone but to no avail. The latter eventually faced many difficulties in his life and died. The workers started to pray at this particular place, as the stone proved to them to be very powerful.
For others, the legend is different. Some argue that the stone was itself Amma Tookay who was discovered in the cane fields. In fact, according to them, Amma Tookay Temple was one of the first temple made of made of bamboos and straw, constructed by the Indentured Immigrants in the region of Riche Bois, Camp Diable, where they were staying.
Unfortunately, the fragile structure was severely damaged in the year 1945 by a cyclone but the statue remain intact. The legend argues that, it was this statue that people tried to displace to put a sugar factory camp, but to no avail.
Consequently, the factory owner, built some camps for the workers to stay at Riche Bois but not at the place of the deity. One of our fortunate Indian Immigranrs in the name of Goinsamy Thungapen, a famous sugar cane planter of the region decided with the support and manpower of the immigrants to construct a new shrine made of wood poles and corrugated iron sheets. This structure also fails to resist severe cyclones and a concrete buildind was then erected for Amma Tookay.
The Thungapen Family manage the temple for many years, food were distributed freely at the temple to all workers. In the year 1960s, the family decided to to hand over the management of the temple to a freshly registered religious and cultural organization, in the name of Savanne Tamil Benevolent Society.
The Society eventually, after a lot of sacrifices, constructed a new temple of Dravidian structure. The temple is a jewel in this part of the region, in the middle of sugar cane fields.
An enlightened community through restless and dedicated service
Our organization is dedicated to promote religious and spiritual advancement of the community, inspiring our youths for a better world.
We intend to manage our temples in a way for continuous and sustainable development and confort of our people in a conducive environment, we also maintain a spirit of team work, frienship which respects diversity, new ideas and hard work
The village of Riche Bois and Camp Diable are interconnected. Since time immemorial, the people of Hindu faith were very active in the field of religion and other social and cultural activies.there exists three kovils and one shivala in that village only.
The three kovils are managed namely Tookay Kovil, Mariamen Kovil and Siva Soopramanien Kovil are mostly managed by the same members and management team. The responsibilities are fairly distributed among the members. In fact, ther exist two registered organizations with almost the same members to run the kovils. We have the Savanne Tamil Benevolent Society (STBS) and the Siva Soopramanien Kovil Bakta Sangham(SSKBS). The STBS manage the Tookay Kovil and the Mariamen Kovil where the SSKBS manage the Siva Soopramanien Kovil.
At Tookay Kovil, apart from the normal regular special prayers we also perform annually the Navarathri(Durga Puja),Aadi Canjee and Crop Season Prayer amongst others. At the Mariamen Kovil we organised apart the monthly Pownami, the Thimeedhi and the Annual Canjee. At the Siva Soopramanien Kovil we do celebrate the Thaipoosam Cavadee, the Skanda Sasti annually and Kartigai monthly.
It is good to note that almost the same persons are members in both societies . They are ran in a very good spirit of friendship. The responsibilities are shared among members for the advancement of both organizations in a very professional manner, always up to date with the Registrar of Associations, the Financial Statements prepared, audited by qualified accountants and submitted without fail annually to the Registrar.
The management team for both societies are as follows:
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REG NO 400
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The women Association is a non-profitable voluntary organization duly registered with the Registrar of Association.It provides support and assistance to vulnerable and needy mothers and children. It also collaborates with the Managing Committee for the development and progress of the community.
The association plays an important role in empowering women through education and leadership skills. Several research studies have demonstrated that women have raised their position and made a place in different sectors which had led to liberation and to live a better life. It is an undenial fact that decades ago, women had to suffer from unequal condition but nowadays, women have enhanced their status.
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The youth are the foundation of every nation. They are the back bone of our society. They can change the future and destiny of the society with their wellbeing and courageous behavior. They require good mentoring and the right attitude.
It is a known fact that the youths are more interested in other places which are not useful to them. They spend their time playing videos games, partying or sitting in front of their television instead of bettering themselves.
Our organization has promptly taken control of such situation, we are motivating our youth and teach them how to handle responsibility and implement goal settings. We try to be good role models and mentors.
There is a very dedicated team supporting the society during all the events and functions. There is a very good team spirit among the group which augurs brighter future.
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