History of temple
The temple is situated in the south of Mauritius between Camp Diable and Britannia in a peaceful, unpolluted and harmonious village called Riche Bois.After the devastating cyclone of the 1960s, the Britannia Sugar Estate build concrete camps for their workers at one of this places.
Amma Tookay kovil is situated in the middle of vast sugar cane fields, deep inside a row of palm trees along the road leading to her abode.
She derives her name from Durga Devi, our Goddess Durga, the mother of the universe. She is also called Ambigai, Kali and Parvati. It’s vehicle (Vahana) to move around the world is the Lion.
Parashakti Amma, the divine mother is worshipped as Shakti which means strength and energy. She is the Goddess with ten arms which determine all its attribute. She is the female power of Shiva, she carried the trident of Lord Shiva and she conquers all the demons.
She is so powerful that she takes many forms which are massively celebrated during the famous nine days of Durga Puja (Navaratri Festival). She possessed a unique feelings and blissful energy which encompasses oceans and continents. Devotees and visitors come from all parts of the world and make offerins for her blessings.
On the left side of the temple, we have the abode of Lord Shiva with a huge Shiva Lingham with the holi cow Nandi.
The Shiva Lingham is a symbol that represents Lord Shiva. It is considered as the most powerful of deities, it represents all the energies of the world and beyond, that is the cosmic waves. It reminds us of the omnipotent Lord, which is formless.
It also signifies the the Nature itself, which is affected by the union of the male and female powers of nature. It consists of Truth, Knowledge and Infinity.
The Shiva Lingham consists in design of three parts. The lowest of these is called the Brahma Putra, the middle one Vishnu Putra and the uppermost one is Shiva, all associated with the trilogy that is Brahma – the Creator, Vishnu – the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer.
It is said and proved that it intensifies the vitality and level of pranic energy within our body. The powerful stone stimulates the energy system of our entire body and help us to improve our well – being.
Lord Muruga is represented in the roop of Sri Dandayudaphani Swami which is very rare in Mauritius. It exists in Clemencia, a very old temple and in KALI Kovil, Chebel.
The famous deity is found in Palani, the third Paadai VEEDU, ABODE OF Lord Muruga. In fact, the deity is made out of an amalgam of nine minerals popularly called Navabashana. The deity is in a standing position with a baton in his hand. He has the look of a person who has renounced all materials desires. He is dressed in just a loincloth besides the inseparable baton.
On the extreme left of the main temple, is the shrine of Lord Ganesha, the remover of all obstacles and the God from which we seek permission before engaging in any activity.
According to the Hindu Mythology, he is the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. He is the supreme consciousness that pervades all and brings order in this universe.
In temple, we indeed pray first to Lord Ganesha before we start to make offerings to all deities. As stated above, he is the God who removes all obstacles on our path.
Lord Ganesha took birth, according to the mythology, when Parvati became dirty whilst she was celebrating with Lord Shiva. When she realized this,she removed the dirt from her body and created a boy out of it. She then asked the latter to keep guard while she was having her bath.
However, when Lord Shiva returned, the boy did not recognize him and obstructed his passage. So, Lord Shiva chopped off the boys head and entered.
Goddess Parvati was shocked when she saw this and explained to Lord Shiva that the boy was their son and pleaded with him to save the boy at all costs.
Lord Shiva then instructed his followers to go and get the head of someone who was sleeping with their head pointing to the north. Then, they get the head of an elephant which was then affixed to the boy. Lord Ganesha was born divinely speaking.
Lord Ganesha vehicle (VAHANA) is a mouse, which basically can slither tiny holes and narrow pathways, even in the darkness of night, thus enable Lord Ganesha to go into nooks and corners of the world to perform his duty as Destroyer of all obstacles and negativities(demons).
Navagrahas mean nine(9) planets. They are worshipped for good luck or to overcome diversity, bad luck or misfortune arising from past karmas or birth related defects.
At Tookay Temple, they are found on the right side, grouped together. Most of the nine deities are named after the planets in the solar system like the moon and the sun which also correspond to the seven days of the week of the hindu calendar.
However, two deities are very influencial, considered to be “demons”. Some planets depending upon their location in the planetary system and their association with other planets, they are deemed either auspicious or inauspicious.
The nine planetary gods have a great significance in Vedic Astrology. It draws the birth chart of individuals based upon their position of the time of their birth. Depending upon where they are located in the astrological chart at a given time, they exert positive or negative influence upon people and their destinies.
The position of especially Sani, Rahu and Ketu are considered important. If their positions are not favorable, astrology suggest remedial measures to pacify the planets and ward off their negative influence.
According to the mythology, they were created to help Lord Shiva in his fight against Andhakasura. During the fight, on being hurt blood began to flow profusely from Andhaka’s body. Each drop which touched the ground assumed the shape of another Andhaka. Thus there were innumerable Asuras fighting Lord Shiva. To stop the flow of the blood, Lord Shiva created a Goddess called Yogeswari from the flames coming out of his mouth.
Other Gods like Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara etc. also sent their shaktis to follow Yogeswari in stopping the flow of blood. Thus the origin of the Sapta Matrikas and Andhakasura lost his power and was defeated by Lord Shiva.
The seven divine mothers are Brahmi, Maheswari, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Vaarahi, Indraani and Chamundi.
It is a comman practice that people of Hindi faith, usually before any important function at their place come and charao puri and keer in front of the seven divine mothers.